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  • Solo self-employed and hybrid workers from the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are now invited to take part in an online survey on their economic situation and social security. The survey is the centerpiece of a study conducted by Prognos AG together with the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e. V. (BFDK) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM). The aim of the study is to use the data obtained to obtain a valid picture of the economic and social situation of solo self-employed and hybrid workers for the first time and to be able to propose concrete measures for improvement on this basis. 
    "We know that a lot of people in the cultural and creative industries work as solo freelancers or hybrid workers, i.e. both self-employed and employed. And we also know, not least since the coronavirus pandemic, that many of them earn little and have inadequate social security. However, we do not have reliable data for the whole population. We don't know what differences there are between the various sub-sectors. We don't know who can make a good living from their work and where improvements are absolutely necessary. And we can only improve the framework conditions with valid data," explains Dr. Olaf Arndt, Prognos. 

    "The image of the "poor artist" is unfortunately not at all outdated. Fees are often so tight that there is hardly anything left for reserves and pensions. Children, chronic illnesses or relatives in need of care can mean the end of a career. If we as a society care about the creative professions, then we need to take countermeasures here!" emphasizes Anna Steinkamp, Managing Director of the BFDK.  

    The cultural and creative industries include the architecture market, the book market, the performing arts, the design industry, the film industry, the art market, the music industry, the press market, the broadcasting industry, the software/games market and the advertising market. Solo self-employed and hybrid workers from all of these sectors are invited to take part in the survey and thus make an active contribution to shaping a more tailored social security system. 
    Link to the survey
    The survey runs until March 8, 2024 and takes about half an hour to complete. 
    Further information on the study here 
    Veröffentlicht am 2. Feb 2024 um 15:41 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 2. Feb 2024 um 15:42 Uhr)