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TANZ_NETZWERK_Bremen Professional / 

Foto: Gabriela Valdespino

In 2022, tanz_netzwerk_bremen PROFESSIONAL announced open calls for several residencies at different production sites in Bremen. 
During the announced periods, dance professionals used the residency spaces for experimenting and developing new projects. 
The open calls for applications aimed at professional dance and choreography practitioners from all over Germany.
Special interest was given to the cooperation of Bremen and non-Bremen dance professionals. The project coordinators actively support the residents in networking projects and can establish contacts to possible cooperation partners upon request. Therefore, applications for cooperation projects were given special consideration. 
In order to promote the exchange with the local independent dance scene, the selected residents offered a workshop format of their choice. The residents were accompanied by mentors during their work process on a project-related and needs-oriented basis.
The residents were selected by a jury (Elisabeth Krefta, Sebastian Matthias and Mable Preach).
The jury
Elisabeth Krefta
Elisabeth Krefta has been part of the programme team at HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts, Dresden since 2018. Previously, she worked as a freelance production manager, worked at various theatre and performance festivals and toured with the production Situation Rooms by Rimini Protokoll.
She studied Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen and has since realised audiowalks with her colleagues Christoph Bovermann and Katrin Ebmeier.

Foto: Stefan Floss

Sebastian Matthias
[justify]Sebastian Matthias is a choreographer and dance researcher. From 2019 to 2021 he was a post-doc at the research project "Participatory Art Based Research" at the HafenCity University Hamburg in collaboration with K3| Tanzplan Hamburg with focus on TikTok. He also works at independent production houses such as tanzhaus NRW and Bürgerbühne at Staatsschauspiel Dresden and Theater Basel until 2022 through the Doppelpass funding from the German Federal Cultural Foundation. He studied dance at the Juilliard School in New York and Dance Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 2018, he wrote his doctoral dissertation on "Feeling Groove - Collectivity between Dance Floor and Stage".
Foto: Jörg Letz

Mable Preach
Mable Preach has been present in the Hamburg art scene for many years - as a director or choreographer, as a curator and networker. She is the initiator of the festival for urban BIPoC youth culture FORMATION**NOW and director of the cultural and youth association Lukulule. Most recently, she showed her directorial work EMB*RACE YOUR CROWN** as part of the season opening at Kampnagel. In her work, she critically examines racism and (neo-)colonialism, promotes empowerment and produces alternative images and narratives to the white mainstream.


What awaits the residents

Content and conditions

●      A payment of max. 3,000 € per person / month gross (basis for calculation is the duration of the residency)
●      Accommodation and one-way travel to and from Bremen (for external residents)
●      Support by a project-related mentoring
●      Free use of the residence incl. available technical equipment
●      Possibility of presenting the results of the work in a public or informal setting (varies according to location and residency)
●      Exchange with local artists and partners from Bremen
●      Support from the tanz_netzwerk_bremen PROFESSIONAL team in the fields of organisation, administration and public relations
●      Access requirements and care needs are taken into account and supported as far as possible

Residents of 2022

#1 "BEcunting" // tanzbar_bremen (Häschenstraße): 30.05. - 26.06.2022
© Gabriela Valdespino

With: Black Pearl de Almeida Lima, Mandhla Ndubiwa und Pascal Schmidt
Mentoring: Aaron Samuel Davis

The three protagonists Black Pearl de Almeida Lima, Mandhla Ndubiwa and Pascal Schmidt embark on a journey of self-exploration with the means of movement and performance art.
As artists of the intersectional diaspora, they decolonize white narratives of classical forms of movement. In doing so, they combine ballet, contemporary dance, traditional dances, ballroom culture, and song to create a transcultural performance. Drawing from experiences of their queer biographies, they strengthen their inner voices, embrace the beauty of their individuality, and defy a heteronormative society.

#2 "När fysisk beröring och närhet limiteras" // Schaulust: 01.08. - 28.08.2022

”När fysisk beröring och närhet limiteras” (In physical touch and proximity)
With: Matilda Bjärum, Elia Patrizi und Lotta Sandborgh
Mentoring: Claudia Hanfgarn

How does a sense of belonging emerge in a modern society?
In the form of a "Group Movement", three dancers explore patterns and rhythms to create a sense of belonging (Swedish: gemenskap). Is it possible to develop body language so that people can understand the intentions of others without resorting to verbal language? With this approach, the three dancers explore the question of what creates the feeling of connection and how this feeling can be choreographed together with the audience.
What makes us feel less or more connected to the people around us? What role does the use of body language play in this? In Western societies, physical connection tends to be neglected in today's everyday life - for example, due to technological developments. Can the importance of physical experience be conveyed to an audience?
Through daily practice, improvisations and playful interventions, the three dancers approach this topic from different perspectives. 
#3 "A room for us" // theaterkontor Bremen: 01.09. - 30.09.2022

Foto:Gabriela Valdespino

"A room for us" von Neus Ledesma Vidal
With: Leila Bakhtali, Lilly Bosse, Sina Behnke, Cristina Commisso, Neus Ledesma Vidal, Miriam Röder, Magali Sander Fett und Gabriela Valdespino
Mentoring: Judith Strodtkötter

A room for us is a research lab for a women-only project. Instead of starting from the body, we will first take time to get to know each other, build trust and reflect on our female existence. In this safe space, we will unravel and compare our biographies to recognize our individuality within the collective. We are eight female artists occupying a space to write, discuss, and engage with topics of desire, wishes, the absurdity of female existence, aging, independence, or freedom. We will use otherness as a starting point for an exploration of movement and sound to find our common language and choreographic code.
‘As the embodiment of ideological constellations, the production of space and the decisions we make for its organisation are ultimately articulations about ‘us’ and reciprocally, how a ‘we’ can be articulated.’ Laboria Cubiniks.

#4 "Live - Eine Recherche über die Auswirkungen von Social Media auf Hip Hop Tanz" // theaterSCHLACHTHOFstudio (Probebühne Ladestraße): 13.08. - 24.08.2022
© Cecil Arp

"Live - Eine Recherche über die Auswirkungen von Social Media auf Hip Hop Tanz"
With: Die Antwort (Chanel, Foxy, Freshca und Precious)
Mentoring: Leila Bakhtali

Freshca, Precious, Foxy and Chanel are part of the young dance collective "Die Antwort". As hip hop dancers, the far-reaching challenges of the pandemic among others made them aware of how digitalized their community and cultural networking is. The project "Live" is a research about the impact of Social Media on hip hop dance. As part of the new generation, they feel a responsibility to be respectful of the origins, knowledge and experiences of the pioneers of their culture. For the research, the collective will conduct interviews with pioneers of hip hop dance culture and content creators of today. They will incorporate the results into their final performance.
#5 "war viel" // Schwankhalle Bremen (Probebühne): 03.10. - 16.10.2022

"war viel"
With: Marlene Ensslen, Leonie Greta Hardt, Sita Kotteck

What does it trigger having to keep still? Also keeping still in the sense on resetting social-life. What effects does this have on the body. How do I react when I am forced to keep still and what physical reactions can I observe.
What does it trigger in my body when I am flooded with stimuli. Does the opposite reaction to being still set in?
We grew up in a society where we had to learn very early on how much and when we were allowed to move and when we had to stand still. We were brought up to have a certain posture and to move in certain ways, very differently depending on the cultural space.

#6 "1.: Formulating and re-formulating a situation (method) 2.: for a dance to appear (creation)" // Theater Bremen (Probebühne): 21.11. - 17.12.2022

©Gabriela Valdespino

"1.: Formulating and re-formulating a situation (method) 2.: for a dance to appear (creation)"
With: Katerina Delakoura und Magdalena Meindl

Katerina Delakoura and Magdalena Meindl have created score-based improvisation together over the last few years. Following on from this, the two dancers take up these threads with their project "1.: Formulating and re-formulating a situation (method) 2.: for a dance to appear (creation)" and develop a new dance piece. Improvisation and linguistic instruction alternate, creating increasingly detailed descriptions of the imaginary situation in which a dance takes place. The scores remain silent about movements and states of presence.
#7 "Den Weg will ich gehen - künstlerisch-biographischer Tanz-Kurzfilm" // Schwankhalle Bremen (Alter Saal): 05.12. - 15.12.2022

© Daniela Buchholz

"Den Weg will ich gehen - Künstlerisch-biographischer Tanz-Kurzfilm"
With: Neele Buchholz, Carolyne Mutua, Magali Sander Fett

Three dancers could hardly be more different: one comes from Kenya, one from Brazil and one from Bremen. Their skin colors are different, as are their heights and ages. One has Down Syndrome, the other has studied. The three dancers are strong women. But all three are disadvantaged in their professions in a special way. What drives them and brings them together is art. All the obstacles don't stop them from wanting to follow this path: They have become self-employed as performing artists in Germany. They are pursuing the path they have chosen in a self-determined way.
In the residency, they explore the question of what separates and unites them on this rocky path. The subject of starting a business is dealt with in a performative way using an artistic-biographical approach. Experiences and emotions will be discussed and translated into dance and performance. The outcome of this project will be a dance short film.

The project tanz_netzwerk_bremen PROFESSIONAL is supported by the Senator for Culture of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and Bureau RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Aid Program Dance.
