The Bremen Student Culture Pass ("Kultursemesterticket") was developed in 2019 by an initiative from the students' union executive commitees of the University Bremen, the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, the Bremen University of the Arts and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg.
Drawing from the project "TheaterFlat" by the Bremen Theatre, the Student Culture Pass is meant as an approach to broadening the accesses to the cultural landscape in Bremen. Students and parties involved in Bremen's culture sector actively participated in the project and also had the opportunity for some networking among themselves. Low-threshold pricing of the ticket is meant to further open up cultural offerings in the city.
The project's goal is to facilitate the access to the multi-faceted cultural spectrum for all students through the reduction of financial obstacles. By offering free tickets and discounts, the awareness for Bremen's cultural landscape is to be increased.
At present, the fully developed concept includes not only theatre but also a broadened sociocultural spectrum of museums, individuals, dance and performance, workshops, readings, concerts and lectures.