Der Senator für Kultur der Freien Hansestadt Bremen
The procedure for the 2023 project funding allocation has ended! The deadline was 30.9.22
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Fonds Darstellende Künste – #TakeHeart
In the context of NEUSTART KULTUR – the economic stimulus package for preservation and stabilisation of the diverse Independent Performing Arts funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM) –, the Fonds Darstellende Künste (Performing Arts Fund) launched the extensive package of measures #TakeHeart.
> Rechercheförderung, next deadline: 15.01.2023
> Residenzförderung, next deadline: 15.01.2023
> For further information on the programme and info events please contact the
Performing Arts Fund.
Dachverband Tanz Deutschland - DIS-TANZEN
DIS-TANZEN is part of the aid programme Dance which is subsidised on the context of NEUSTART KULTUR, an initiative by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM).
Through the support programme DIS-TANZEN the umbrella association Tanz Deutschland e.V. supports the restart of artistic and dance educational activity. The support programme is divided into two parts: DIS-TANZ-SOLO addresses self-employed individuals in dance, the stimulus support DIS-TANZ-IMPULS addresses dance schools and dance education in cultural institutions.
Currently, no application is possible.
> For more information, click
tanz:digital strengthens dance artists, dance ensembles and dance institutions in the medial presentation of artistic productions and the testing of new technical means. The aim of tanz:digital is to gradually build up a modular network of ballet and dance theatre ensembles and artists, in which newly developed and innovative choreographic formats for media dance productions are shared and live performances (on-demand) are offered via stream. New virtual realities, 3D or 360-degree recordings as well as accompanying documentations and a look behind the scenes are intended to strengthen dance as an immersive and interactive online experience.
Currently, no application is possible.
> For more information, click
Joint Adventures - Förderprogramm NPN-Stepping out
The NPN-STEPPING OUT module within the framework of the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK is intended to (re)open up non-theatrical, analogue, media and digital public spaces, as well as performative scene spaces and fields of action for dance that are yet to be conceived or invented, in order to expand the presentation channels for dance that were restricted by the Corona pandemic and thus make artistic practice and occupation possible again. Possible research directions are the concepts of "liveness" and "interaction", which genuinely define the art form of dance and its realisation and questioning in analogue, media and digital space.
Applications are open to individual artists, dance teachers, dance ensembles, collectives, production centres, venues, festivals, production offices and dance networks, natural persons and legal entities.
Currently, no application is possible.
> For more information, click
Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft - Pandemiebedingte Investitionen
As a new funding programme for live cultural events, the LIVE Culture funding programme has been launched by the DTHG. This programme is designed for touring events in the field of "spoken word, variety and cabaret".
Currently, no application is possible.
> For more information, click
Bundesförderprogramm „U*act“
For many refugees from the war in Ukraine, it is uncertain whether and when they will be able to work in the arts again. The new federal programme U*act is intended to help bridge this time and create perspectives. The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, together with the German Stage Association, promotes cooperation between theatres in Germany and artists who have had to leave Ukraine because of the war. Employment and involvement in theatre, dance or performance productions is intended to facilitate and support their arrival and stay in Germany.
Currently, no application is possible.
> For more information, click
Fonds Soziokultur
The Socioculture Fund exclusively supports projects that are limited in time and content. The active participation (involvement) of lay people/non-artists and work with a cultural medium is very important to the board of trustees. Projects are not sought "about" but "with" non-artists. The choice of a socio-political theme/the preoccupation with social issues also plays a major role in the selection of projects for funding.
The application deadline is always 2 May and 2 November each year.
The application form is open four weeks in advance in the online portal "Application" and closes automatically at midnight on 2 May or 2 November.
> For more information, click
Bundesverband Soziokultur - NEUSTART KULTUR
- Programm 2 (kulturelle und soziokulturelle Programmarbeit)
Currently, no application is possible.
- Zentren 2 (Corona-bedingte Investitionen)
Currently, no application is possible.
> For more information, click
Government's coronavirus aid programme
Überbrückungshilfe III