Peer to Peer-Academy
Foto: Manja Herrmann
Peer to Peer-Academy 8 to 12 May 2023 in Bremen
In cooperation with TanzNetzDresden and TanzXchange Münster, the Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Bremen e.V. organized a Peer to Peer-Academy in May 2023. A total of 15 professional dance professionals with a work focus in Germany, divided into three groups of five people each, were given the opportunity to exchange ideas for five days. In the groups expertise and professional experiences were shared among the participants. Different aesthetic and professional approaches as well as different working biographies came together. The Peer to Peer-Academy took place at the Zentrum für Kunst im Tabakquartier Bremen.
The participants were: Leon Stille, Marcelo Dono, Alexandra Benthin, Sara Escribano Maenza, Agnetha Jaunich, Sebastian Knipp, Soi Anifantis Scherb, Neele Buchholz, Yulia Chubareva, Magdalena Meindl, Lukas Orphéo Schneider, Katze Greeven, Daniela Lehmann, Stina Hinrichs, Simone Cita Kieltyka, Johanna Schlösser.
Each participant designed an individual workshop day. In this way, multi-perspective working approaches from the field of dance were brought together in the groups. Participation was possible on a full-time and part-time basis.
As a conclusion of the Peer to Peer-Academy, tanz_netzwerk_bremen CONNECTION, in cooperation with TanzNetzDresden and TanzXchange Münster, organized an open symposium entitled "Tanzszene(n) aktuell: Networking und Distribution" (May 12 and 13) at the Zentrum für Kunst im Tabakquartier Bremen. Susanna Curtis (Tanzzentrale Nürnberg) and Lea Connert (LEAD Productions and Kampnagel Hamburg) gave inputs and the results of the Peer to Peer Academy were presented by the participating dance professionals.
A jury, composed of one member of each of the three participating dance networks, decided on the composition of the three groups.
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR and by the Senator for Culture of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.