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  • open rehearsal

    Of Curious Nature: Nomada

    Schwankhalle, Buntentorsteinweg 112, 28201 Bremen

    steptext dance project & TanzRAUM Nord present:
    Insights into "Nomada", the new production by Of Curious Nature & Helge Letonja

    Nomada is the intangible, having long since dismantled her tents. She moves along winding paths as an archaically striding body and bodiless in the digital world, effortlessly shifting between environments. Nomada emerges between dancing bodies, ancient myths, and videographic images, colliding seemingly immovable opposites. In the face of pressured nature and human confusion by pervasive artificial intelligence, she laughs at the approaching changes.

    The Ensemble Of Curious Nature seeks physical approaches to the themes of migrations and transformations. In collaboration with filmmaker Isabel Robson and composer Miguel Marin, choreographer Helge Letonja and the dancers explore the lifestyles and mindsets of nomads, whose ways of life point to the present.

    Nomada is a production of TanzRAUM Nord gUG with steptext dance project, supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, by the Senator for Culture Bremen, and the Waldemar Koch Foundation Bremen.

    Information on accessibility: The premises of the Schwankhalle are "barrier-free" (in accordance with DIN 18040-01). This applies to access to the foyer, the hall and the sanitary facilities. All event rooms in the Schwankhalle are at ground level and accessible without steps. If you have any questions, please contact the Schwankhalle at ticket@schwankhalle.de or 0421 520 80 70. Further information on the accessibility of the Schwankhalle can be found at:

    Detailed information on accessibility: https://www.schwankhalle.de/de/service/barrierefreiheit
    Information in easy language: https://www.schwankhalle.de/de/leichte-sprache-meta
    Information in German sign language: https://www.schwankhalle.de/de/dgs-schwankhalle

    Photo: Marianne Menke

    • Saturday , 21. September 2024, 17:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhrschwankhalle
    german/englishno spoken languagewheelchair accessibleSchwankhalleVeröffentlicht am 29. Jul 2024 um 12:38 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 10. Sep 2024 um 12:16 Uhr)